
Collecting Experiences

I woke up early this morning with a very exciting thought. The boys have finished school and for the first time in a few years I am not working! That means that I am in holiday mode with them until they go back to school at the end of January. I am so thankful to be able to have the opportunity to do this.

I am now turning my mind to things that we can do throughout the holidays. For the first time in a long time petrol has dropped below $1 a litre. That is a huge saving. I have never changed the amount of cash I allocate to petrol each week, simply adjusting how much driving we did. Last month $30 worth of petrol barely put a drip in the tank, whereas $30 this week almost half filled the tank.

Cheaper fuel prices means we can get out and about more and explore some of the local area again. It is great to live like tourists in your own town. There are some beautiful areas around here that I have never been to because we tend to explore new areas we go to.

So.... thinking about a collection of experiences that we can 'experience' over the holiday period.


Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

So the guy in the photo is moving the sheep with an ATV? What happened to the border collie or stock dog?

A Vision Splendid said...

Hi Leilani Lee,

Is an ATV the four wheel motorbike you can see? We call them quad runners here. This photo was taken in Bathurst,NSW. There are cattle dogs, just can't see them in this shot.It is a common sight to see the dogs balanced on the back of the quad bike coming home after the job is done. -such loyal creatures!

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

Yes, sorry... in the US it is ATV in "all-terrain vehicle" -- some have 3 wheels, some 4 (our county has the highest rate of ATV accidents in the state, for what it's worth). Many of the farms here have border collies.

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