
Summer Fun

Soon I have to try and convince these boys that they have to wear shoes again.

I have to try and convince them to have a shower and brush their hair....

 ....and wear shirts....
 ....and go to bed at a decent hour....
after living the life of Huckleberry Finn for the last six weeks I wonder how they will adapt back into the life of school shoes, books and bells !


Libby said...

Good times indeed. Aren't kids fearless? No way I'd jump into murky brown water!! I must say I've enjoyed the freedom of the school hols aren't really that keen on school starting back myself :-(.

Libby said...

Good times indeed. Aren't kids fearless? No way I'd jump into murky brown water!! I must say I've enjoyed the freedom of the school hols aren't really that keen on school starting back myself :-(.

ic hotels adelaide cbd said...

Swimming is always a fun thing to do in summer. I remember that I used to swim alot with my friends when I was young. Thanks for sharing.

GrizzlyBearMom said...

Looks like your boys had an ideal summer. Clothing, showes and bathes are overrated in comparison with summer swiming!

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